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Overtime work

Overtime work is work performed by an employee by order of the employer or with their consent, beyond the determined weekly working time arising from the predetermined distribution of working time, and performed outside the scope of the timetable of work shifts.

With regard to an employee with reduced working time, overtime work is work exceeding their weekly working time. Overtime work may not be ordered on such an employee.
Where flexible working time is implemented, overtime work shall be work performed by an employee by order of their employer or with their employer’s consent outside the scope of operational time in the given flexible working period.

An employer may only charge or agree with the employee overtime work in cases of temporary and urgent increases in work demand, or if public interest is concerned, also for a period of continuous rest between two shifts, or under special conditions, also for days of rest. Continuous rest between two shifts may not at the same time be reduced to less than eight hours.
Overtime work for an employee may not exceed on average eight hours in individual weeks in a period of at most four consecutive months, if the employer has not agreed a longer period with the employees’ representatives, however at most 12 consecutive months.

An employee may be charged overtime work up to the maximum extent of 150 hours in a calendar year. An employee working in a medical profession pursuant to special regulation can, after agreement with employees’ representatives, be charged to perform up to 100 additional hours of overtime work per calendar year beyond the limit stipulated in the first sentence.
An employee may work a maximum of 400 hours overtime in a calendar year.

An employee who performs risky work cannot be assigned to overtime work. It is possible to agree exceptionally overtime work with the employee who performs risky works for the reason of managing secure and fluent production process after previous agreement of the representatives of employees.

An employee whose job falls under the category of health care pursuant to relevant regulation and who is over the age of 50 may not be ordered to perform overtime work. Overtime work is admissible only with the employee’s agreement.