Preskočiť na obsah

...możliwości obsadzenia wakatu i zezwolenie na pracę. Więcej informacji i procedur dotyczących zatrudniania obywateli państw trzecich można znaleźć na stronie Głównego Urzędu Pracy, Spraw Socjalnych i Rodziny Republiki Słowackiej:

...vacant și a unui permis de muncă. Pentru mai multe informații și proceduri privind angajarea resortisanților țărilor terțe, vizitați site-ul Oficiului Muncii, Afacerilor Sociale și Familiei din Republica Slovacă: is concluded for a higher number of employers; between the union of employers and trade unions. Collective agreements of higher degree are concluded for sectors at the national or...

...: National labour inspectorate Address: Masarykova 10, 040 01 Košice, Slovak republic Peter Gubala – Department of Labour – Law Relations e-mail: phone number: +421 55 79 79 954...

...higher level is concluded for a larger number of employers; between employers’ organisation – association (one or more) and trade union (one or more). Collective agreements of a higher level...